Tuesday, June 23, 2009

North Truro Train Station

This drawing was done a couple years back when I was living in Freiburg. It was one of twelve pictures that I had to create for a homework assignment in my old Graphic design school.

Pencil drawing on A3 sized paper (Designed & edited in Photoshop)

Batman Returns Poster

This is the first painted poster I ever created. It was a lot of fun to experiment with gouache in an Alex-Ross-kinda style (starting first with a finished pencil drawing and then applying black gouache on top). The gray tones were ''pulled out'' of the black areas by simply applying water to the piece. I still have to practice with this media a bit more to get a better hang of it...

Gouache on A3 sized bristol board (Designed & edited in Photoshop)

1960's Batman

A drawing out of my sketchbook of Adam West and Burt Ward from the old 1960's Batman t.v. show. I loved watching these shows as a kid, and still do to this day. BAM!!! POW!!! ZAPP!!! So cool...

Polychromous drawing pencil on sketchbook paper

Comicstars Recall comic

This is a two page comic that I made for Germany's biggest comic book/manga contest. All the contestants were given the same dialogue which was to be drawn in a comic art form. Check out all the crazy ideas at:


Pen and Ink on A3 sized bristol board

Lara Croft/Batman Crossover Pin-up

One of my newest illustrations which features Lara Croft, aka Tomb Raider, who stumbles upon the Batcave! I would like to develop this idea a bit more in the near future and draw some actual comic pages with a story that links the two characters together.

15"x10" Pen and ink on bristol board